The Doctors
Dr A Khan (Director)
Qualified 1992
Dr Bewaji
Advanced Nurse Practitioners
Sarah - Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Practice Nurses
Shelley - Practice Nurse RGN, Locality Care Co-ordinator, Nurse Independent / Supplementary Prescriber, Locality i-Nurse
Lisa - Practice Nurse RGN
Romy - Practice Nurse RGN
Pharmacy Technician
Health Care Assistant
Victoria B
Members Of The Practice Team
Practice Management
Chris Simmonds (Director) - Finance and Administration Director
Abbie - Practice Manager
Victoria S - Assistant Practice Manager
Chris is the Finance and Administration Director. He is responsible for the finances and administration of the company.
Abbie is the Practice Manager. Her duties include a continuing quest to develop and improve the services we offer you. She is responsible for the day-to-day smooth running of our surgery.
Victoria is the Assistant Practice Manager and helps Abbie.
Medical Support Staff
The Medical Support team;
- organise appointment times
- process repeat prescriptions
- answer your telephone queries
- welcome you when you come to The Medical Centre
They provide a full support service to both you the patient and to the medical team. They are bound by strict rules of confidentiality.
Nursing and Other Services
We employ a team of practice nurses who, along with other professionals (such as, district nurses, health visitors, the midwifery team, physiotherapists, dieticians, counselling and community psychiatric nursing service) provide a full nursing and support service five times a week.
They run clinics and see health problems that may have once been seen by a Doctor.
Nurses run and support clinics within the practice such as, liquid nitrogen and minor surgery.
Nurses run a Minor Illness Clinics on a daily basis where they deal with acute minor illnesses and advise you on the best course of action.
The nurses at The Medical Centre undergo constant training course to ensure they are up-to-date with the changes that occur in medicine. This also allows the practice to offer a wide range of clinics.
Four of the nurses here and the pharmacist have passed their prescribing courses. This continuation of professional development combined with the relationships they have built with you has enabled them to expand their role considerably over the years.
Medical Students/Student Nurses (Training Practice)
Medical students and student nurses attend the practice to gain 'first hand' medical experience. We will inform you if a medical student /student nurse wishes to 'sit in' on your consultation. You can refuse this if you wish.
Training future doctors and nurses is in the interests of all our patients and we hope you support them.